Jews--Spain--History--Expulsion, 1492
Expulsion, 1492
Spain--History--Expulsion of the Jews, 1492
Gerush Sefarad, Spain, 1492
Expulsion of the Jews, Spain, 1492
Gerush ha-Yehudim mi-Sefarad, Spain, 1492
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found: Work cat.: 95826433: Beinhart, H. Gerush Sefarad, c1994:added t.p. (The Expulsion of the Jews from Spain) map on lining paper (Gerush ha-Yehudim mi-Sefarad)
found: Encyc. Judaica:vol. 28, col. 240, etc. (On March 31, 1492 edict of expulsion of the Jews from Spain was signed in Granada; Jews willing to accept Christianity were allowed to stay)
found: Britannica, 1992:vol. 28, p. 38 (in 1492 the first Inquisitor General, Thomas de Torquemada, himself from a Converso family, persuaded the Catholic kings to expell all Jews who refused to be baptized; Queen Isabella and most of her contemporaries looked at the expulsion of about 170,000 of her subjects as a pious duty)
found: Jewish history sourcebook, WWW site, July 25, 2000(Jews expelled from Spain by Ferdinand and Isabella in Spring, 1492)
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2000-08-03: new
2010-07-27: revised
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