found: Work cat.: Integrated assessment of ecosystem health, c2000:pref. ("The concept of 'ecosytem health' was developed to reflect the importance of considering an ecosystem truly as a system, rather than as an assemblage of individual species. The well-being of an ecosystem depends on the functioning of its parts, but additionally on higher-order phenomena such as population dynamics, community structure, and landscape processes.")
found: Dunster, J. Dict. of natural resource management, c1996:under Ecosystem management (A management practice and philosophy aimed at selecting, maintaining, and/or enhancing the ecological integrity of an ecosytem in order to ensure continued ecosystem health ...) under Healthy ecosystem (An ecosystem in which the structure and functions permit the maintenance of the desired condition of biological diversity, biotic integrity, and ecological processes over time)
found: LC database, Feb. 28, 2000(ecosystem health; aquatic ecosystem health; forest ecosystem health; health of ecosystems; healthy ecosystems)
found: Moverley, J.H. Estuarine health assessment using benthic macrofauna, 1999:p. 83 (ecological health of estuaries)