found: Work cat.: Manning, T.H. Birds of the Twin Islands, James Bay, N.W.T., Canada, 1981:p. 1 (North Twin Island; South Twin Island; les îles Jumelles Nord et Sud)
found: Columbia gaz.(Twin Islands, SE Keewatin dist., N.W.T., Canada, group (55 sq mi/142 sq km) of 2 small isls. in James Bay, NE of Akimiski Isl.; 53⁰10ʹN, 80⁰10ʹW; Game sanctuary)
found: Times atlas, c1999:plate 93 (North Twin Island; South Twin Island) index (North Twin Island, Nunavut, Can.; South Twin Island, Nunavut, Can.)
found: Nat. Geog. atlas:plate 33 (North Twin Island; South Twin Island)
found: GEOnet, Apr. 25, 2000(North Twin Island, Canada, NWT (note: gives obsolete earlier admin. code for NWT instead of either of the new codes that were set up for NWT and Nunavut), ISL, 53⁰20ʹ00ʺN, 80⁰00ʹ00ʺW; South Twin Island, Canada, NWT (see note above on admin. code), ISL, 53⁰10ʹ00ʺN, 79⁰50ʹ00ʺW)
found: Canada's official geographical names Web site, Apr. 25, 2000(North Twin Island, Nunavut, island, 53⁰18ʹ00ʺN - 80⁰00ʹ00ʺW; South Twin Island, Nunavut, island, 53⁰07ʹ00ʺN - 79⁰52ʹ00ʺW)
found: NWT geographic names, via WWW, Apr. 25, 2000(North Twin Island, island, lat.: 53⁰18ʹ00ʺ, long.: 80⁰00ʹ00ʺ; South Twin Island, island, lat.: 53⁰07ʹ00ʺ, long.: 79⁰52ʹ00ʺ)
found: GEOnet(island; 53°20ʹ00ʺN 080°00ʹ00ʺW)
notfound: Web. geog.