found: Work cat.: Shimizu, H. Mizuhiki kogei nyumon : a step-by-step guide to Japanese paper cord weaving, 1998.
found: Japan : an illus. encycl., 1993(Mizuhiki: decorative string used since the Muromachi period (1333-1568) to tie gift-wrapped articles and to make ornaments. A narrow strip of good quality paper made from mulberry pulp is twisted into a string, soaked in starchy water left after rinsing uncooked rice, and allowed to dry until hard)
found: Kodansha encycl. of Japan, 1983(Mizuhiki: decorative string used primarily to tie gift-wrapped articles but also to make ornaments; occasions of celebration require certain types of knots, while mourning or inauspicious occasions require others)
found: LC database, Nov. 8, 2000(mizuhiki)
found: OCLC, Nov. 8, 2000(mizuhiki)
notfound: Art & arch. thesaurus, c1990;Glossary of art, arch., & design since 1945, 1992;McGraw-Hill dict. of art, 1969;Penguin dict. of decorative arts, 1989;Dict. of art, 1996;Modern Japan : an encycl. of history, culture, and nationalism, 1998