- http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh2002008708
- http://id.loc.gov/authorities/sh2002008708#concept
Broader Terms
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
- found: Work cat.: 2002191190: Locally compact quantum groups and groupoids, 2002:CIP t.o.c. (quantum groupoids)
- found: Quantum Groupoids Res. Group, Univ. of Pécs WWW page, Oct. 30, 2002(quantum groupoid: an algebraic structure with multiplication, comultiplication, unit, counit, and, sometimes, with a generalized notion of inverse. Groups, groupoids and Hopf algebras are special cases. There are slightly varying notions in the literature called bialgebroids [Y.-H. Lu], weak bialgebras and weak Hopf algebras [G. Böhm, F. Nill, K. Szlachǹyi])
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Change Notes
- 2002-11-21: new
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