Green River (Lee County-Henry County, Ill.)
Broader Terms
found: Work cat.: Overland Trails Digital Library Collection, 2002(Green River (Lee County-Henry County, Illinois))
found: GNIS, June 6, 2002(Green River, stream, Lee, Whiteside, Bureau, and Henry Counties, Illinois 41⁰51ʹ26ʺN 89⁰05ʹ30ʺW; also other streams named Green River in other counties)
found: Web., 1977:p. 462 (River, N Illinois; 120 m. long; flows SW out of Lee Co. to Rock River.)
found: GNISstream; 41°51ʹ26ʺN 089°05ʹ30ʺW
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Change Notes
2002-12-18: new
2011-06-07: revised
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