found: Work cat.: Moyer, D.L. Use of the Hydrological Simulation Program-FORTRAN and bacterial source tracking for development of the fecal coliform total maximum daily load (TMDL) for Christians Creek, Augusta County, Virginia, 2003:p. 4 (Christians Creek originates northwest of Greenville, Va., and extends to the confluence with the Middle River; 31.5-mi. long)
found: GNIS, Dec. 12, 2003(Christians Creek; stream; Augusta Co., Va.; 38⁰11ʹ38ʺN, 078⁰56ʹ05ʺW; variant: Christian Creek)
found: GNISstream; 38°11ʹ38ʺN 078°56ʹ05ʺW
notfound: Columbia gaz.;Web. geog.