found: Work cat.: Marshall, A.J. Porous hydrogels with well-defined pore structure for biomaterials applications, 2004:abstr. (relationships between pore dimensions and the foreign body response; the role of pore size in the foreign body response)
found: MESH browser, June 3, 2005(Foreign-Body Reaction. Scope note: Chronic inflammation and granuloma formation around irritating foreign bodies. BT: Foreign Bodies)
found: On-line medical dictionary, June 3, 2005(foreign-body reaction: Chronic inflammation and granuloma formation around irritating foreign bodies)
found: Encyc. of biomaterials and biomedical engineering, via website, June 3, 2005(Foreign Body Response)
found: OCLC, June 3, 2005(foreign body response, foreign-body reaction, foreign body reaction)
notfound: Dorland's med. dict., via WWW, June 3, 2005;Stedman's medical dict., via Stat!Ref website, June 3, 2005