found: Work cat.: Album do Rio Acre [ER] 2001.
found: GEOnet, Jan. 10, 2006(Acre, Río; name country codes: PE, BL, BR; STM 08⁰45ʹ 00ʺS 067⁰22ʹ00ʺW; Variants: Aquiry; Aquiri River; Aquiri, Río; Alto Acre, Río; Acre River; Acre)
found: Col. gaz. of the world, c1998:(c. 400 mi long, in Acre state and SW Amazonas, extreme W Brazil; rises on Peru border ... flows E along Brazil-Peru and Brazil-Bolivia borders to Cobija and Brasileía, then NNE, past Xapuri (head of navigation) and Rio Branco, to the Purus at Boca do Acre. Also called Aquiri (old spelling, Aquiry)
found: Web. Geo. Dict., c1998(River, W cen. South America; ab. 400 (644 km.) long; chief tributary of Purus; forms part of boundary bet. Brazil and Bolivia and bet. Brazil and Peru)