found: Work cat.: NUCMC data from Maine Historical Society for Charles Thornton Libby papers, 1643-1945(Fort Loyal, Me.; also appears: Fort Loyall)
found: LC database, Mar. 01, 2006(hdg.: Fort Loyal (Me.))
found: Encycl. historic forts, c1988:p. 367 (Fort Loyal; first fortified defense of early Falmouth on Casco Bay, today's city of Portland; erected about 1680 at foot of India Street where its site is now commemorated by a tablet; refuge for area's settlers during Indian uprisings; in May 1690 occupants of the fort were besieged by a party of French soldiers under Sieur de Portneuf; terms of the negotiated truce were violated when the gate was opened and most soldiers and residents therein were massacred, sparing only the fort captain Sylvanus Davis and four others who were taken to Canada; fort was set afire and left a smoldering ruin)