Routing protocols (Computer network protocols)
Broader Terms
found: Work cat.: Malkin, G.S. RIP : an intra-domain routing protocol, 2000.
found: Webopedia, July 30, 2007(routing protocol -- A generic term that refers to a formula, or protocol, used by a router to determine the appropriate path over which data is transmitted; the routing protocol also specifies how routers in a network share information with each other and report changes; the routing protocol enables a network to make dynamic adjustments to its conditions, so routing decisions do not have to be predetermined and static)
found: Wikipedia, July 30, 2007(routing protocol; a protocol that specifies how routers communicate with each other to disseminate information that allows them to select routes between any two nodes on a network; typically, each router has a priori knowledge only of its immediate neighbors; a routing protocol shares this information so that routers have knowledge of the network topology at large)
found: Dictionary of computer science, engineering, and technology, 2001(routing protocol -- a mechanism by which network switches discover the current topology of the network)
notfound: FOLDOC, July 30, 2007;Dictionary of computing, 1996;Encyclopedia of computer science, 2000.
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Change Notes
2007-08-30: new
2007-08-31: revised
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