found: Work cat.: A directory of Hawaiian sugar plantations and data concerning sugar and the sugar business, 1914.
found: Thes. for graphic materials, TGM 1, sub. terms(sugar plantations)
found: Irrigation control on a Hawaiian sugar plantation, 1954.
found: Rat control on Hawaiian sugar cane plantations, 1945.
found: Status of 1967-68 experiments on the New Guinea sugarcane weevil on Hawaiian sugarcane plantations, 1969.
found: Vilde, A. Plant spacing in sugar beet plantations, 1995, via WWW, July 31, 2007.
found: Agricola article citation database via WWW, July 31, 2007(sugar plantations; sugar beet plantations; sugarbeet plantations; sugar cane plantations; sugarcane plantations)
found: Wikipedia, July 31, 2007(two important sugar crops predominate: sugarcane and sugar beets)