found: Work cat.: Denaire, A. Le Néolithique moyen du sud de la plaine du Rhin supérieur et du nord de la Franche-Comté : les cultures de Hinkelstein, de Grossgartach et de Roessen au travers de leur production céramique, 2009.
found: Dictionary of archaeology, 1999:p. 499 (Rössen, early Neolithic culture of central and southern Germany characterized by dark, highly polished pottery and a stone industry)
found: Encyclopedia of archaeology, c2008:p. 1181 (Rössen, a Neolithic, 5th-4th millenium BC, culture of the Rhine-Maas delta)
found: Comparative archaeology WWW site, Apr. 26, 2010(Rössen culture, a German copper-using culture)