found: Work cat.: Belkin, A. Homosexuality and the Israel Defense Forces, 2001?:p. 2 (whether Israel's decision to abolish restrictions on gay and lesbian soldiers influenced military performance, readiness, cohesion or morale) p. 9 (military cohesion or morale)
found: Bowman, A. The morale of the American Revolutionary Army, 1964.
found: Lomagin, N. Soldiers at war : German propaganda and Soviet Army morale during the Battle of Leningrad, 1941-44, c1998.
found:, Feb. 25, 2011(morale: emotional or mental condition with respect to cheerfulness, confidence, zeal, etc., especially in the face of opposition, hardship, etc.: the morale of the troops)
found: APA dictionary of psychology, c2007(morale: the state of mind that affects behavior and performance. The U.S. Army Field Manual on Leadership defines morale as the mental, emotional, and spiritual state of the individual: Essentially, it is how an individual feels)
found: Mackenzie, S.P. Politics and military morale : current affairs and citizenship education in the British Army, 1914-1950, c1992.
found: United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. A review of the Department of Defense's report on predatory lending practices directed at members of the Armed Forces ... 2009:t.p. (troop morale)