found: Work cat.: Adams, M.L. Artistic impressions, c2011:p. 3 (popular stereotype of male skaters as effeminate and/or gay) p. 4 (skating's lingering reputation ... as an effeminate sport) p. 20 (effeminacy and sport; how men's figure skating came to mean effeminacy; effeminacy is a social construct that is constituted in relation to normative versions of masculinity and femininity; effeminacy or male femininity) index (effeminacy)
found: Wikipedia, Feb. 28, 2011(Effeminacy describes traits in a human male, that are more often associated with traditional feminine nature, behavior, mannerisms, style or gender roles rather than masculine nature, behavior, mannerisms, style or roles; effeminate behavior; behavior non-compliant with conventional masculinity)
found: APA dictionary of psychology, c2007(effeminacy: female behavior or appearance in a male, which is regarded as not fitting the male gender role expectations of society; adjectival form: effeminate)
found: Sexual identity : effeminacy among university students, 2005.
found: Sinfield, A. The Wilde century : effeminacy, Oscar Wilde, and the queer moment, c1994.