found: Work cat.: Stangl, M. Zoigl : der Oberpfälzische Zaubertrank, 2016.
found: McFarland, B. World's best beers, 2009:page 125 (Zoigl beer; the Oberpfälz Wald (Palatinate Forest) region, near the border with the Czech Republic, is home to the old-fashioned Zoigl beer style)
found: web site, viewed Nov. 13, 2017(An introduction to Zoigl beer - Zoiglbier: Zoigl is a bottom-fermented beer, which is brewed according to traditional methods in five towns in the Oberpfalz, a region located in the east of the German state of Bavaria, adjacent to its border with the Czech Republic. Zoigl has been brewed for over 500 years, with its secrets handed down through families)
notfound: Web. 3