The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Subject Headings (LCSH)


  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • Denisova hominin
    • Homo Altai
    • Homo sapiens Denisova
  • Broader Terms

  • Sources

    • found: Work cat: 2017041918: Collins, A. The Cygnus key : the Denisovan legacy, Göbekli Tepe, and the birth of Egypt, 2019:ECIP galley (Denisovans, members of an archaic human population whose very existence had gone unrecognized before the discovery during the first decade of the twenty-first century of over-sized fossil remains in a large cave in the Altai Mountains of southern Siberia)
    • found: European Bioinformatics Institute www homepage, December 12, 2017(Homo sp. Altai (Denisova hominin) is an ancient hominin that was present in Eurasia at the time modern humans evolved 200,000 years ago. Denisovans share a common origin with Neanderthals, but are believed to have distinct morphological features and a separate evolutionary history. Mitochondrial DNA has been successfully sequenced from a finger bone and a tooth found in the Denisova Cave in Russia)
    • found: The other Neanderthal / John Wenz, in The Atlantic, August 27, 2014(from only two teeth and a piece of finger bone smaller than a penny, we've been able to extract the rich history of a species that split off from Homo sapiens approximately 600,000 years ago; more closely related to Neanderthals than humans; they made their way to Southeast Asian islands, interbreeding with indigenous modern human groups in New Guinea and Australia; interspecies mingling with modern humans in mainland Asia was enough to impart a few genes; Denisovan genes reveal evidence of interbreeding with Neanderthals and an even more archaic hominin species...Denisovan gets its name from the Denisova Cave, tucked away in the Altai Mountains in Siberia, near where the borders of Russia, Mongolia, and China intersect)
    • found: In a lost baby tooth scientists find ancient Denisovan DNA / Nicholas St. Fleur, in New York Times, July 7, 2017(a species of extinct cousins of Neanderthals and modern humans known today as the Denisovans)
    • found: NCBI Taxonomy Browser, viewed Dec. 28, 2017(Homo sapiens ssp. Denisova; scientific name: Homo sapiens ssp. Denisova; Genbank common name: Denisova hominin; Inherited blast name: primates; Rank: subspecies; Other names: synonym: Homo sapiens ssp. 'Denisova'; synonym: Homo sp. Altai, common name: Denisovans)
  • LC Classification

    • GN285.2
  • Instance Of

  • Scheme Membership(s)

  • Collection Membership(s)

  • Change Notes

    • 2017-12-08: new
    • 2018-03-13: revised
  • Alternate Formats