found: Work cat.: The worlds of the Jeake family of Rye, 1640-1736, 2018:title page (Jeake family) foreword (Samuel Jeake jun. died in 1699 but his family lived on, until the extinction of his line with the death of his son in Jamaica in 1773) page 321, Jeake family tree (Samuel Jeake sen. (1623-1690))
found: Wikipedia accessed Dec. 13, 2018Samuel Jeake 1623-1690 (from Rye, East Sussex, England, the name Jeake, written also Jake, Jaque, Jeakes, and Jacque)
found: Huguenots of Spitalfields WWW site, 29 Jan. 2019(Jeake's House originally belonged to the Huguenot Jeake family. The family's first settler in Rye appears to have been a late 16th-century merchant, William Jeaque (a possible corruption of Jacques))
found: American family names (Hanks), 2003(Jeake: not found; Jacque: variant of French & English Jacques. As an English name, it is generally pronounced as 2 syllables; Jake: possibly a respelling of French Jacques; Jaque: not found; Jeakes: not found)