found: Work cat: United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Outside perspectives on the collection of beneficial ownership information, 2019:p. 1 (shell companies) p. 3 (shell corporations) p. 103 (unlike a regular company, a shell company is a hollow structure, set up for the purposes of performing financial manoeuvres; shell companies, especially anonymous ones, are often used simply for monetary and other bank transactions)
found: Friedman, Jack P. Dictionary of business terms, 2000(shell corporation: (1) company that is incorporated but has no significant assets or operations; such a corporation may be formed to obtain financing prior to starting operations; (2) corporation set up by fraudulent operators as a front to conceal tax evasion schemes)
found: Investopedia, Oct. 3, 2019(shell corporation: a corporation without active business operations or significant assets; sometimes used illegitimately, such as to disguise business ownership from law enforcement or the public; legitimate uses include such things as a startup using the business entity as a vehicle to raise funds, conduct a hostile takeover, or go public; number one reason for a domestic company to set up a shell company is to realize a tax haven abroad)
found: Cambridge Dictionary online, Oct. 3, 2019(shell company: a company that does not itself do or own anything, but is used to hide a person's or another company's activities, sometimes illegal ones)
found: Collins online dictionary, Oct. 3, 2019(shell company: (1) a company that another company takes over in order to use its name to gain an advantage; (2) a company which does not conduct legitimate business but which has been officially registered, so that it can be used for fraud)
found:, Oct. 3, 2019(shell company: (1) a near-defunct company, esp one with a stock-exchange listing, used as a vehicle for a thriving company; (2) a company that has ceased to trade but retains its registration and is sold for a small sum to enable its new owners to avoid the cost and trouble of registering a new company)
found: Wikipedia, Oct. 3, 2019(shell corporation (redirected from shell company): a company or corporation that exists only on paper and has no office and no employees, but may have a bank account or may hold passive investments or be the registered owner of assets)
notfound: Web. 3