Physical fitness in motion pictures
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found: Work cat: Muscles in the movies, 2020.(The appearance of muscular and athletic bodies has been an integral part of movie production since the early experiments of Étienne-Jules Marey and Eadweard Muybridge and Thomas Edison's filming of world renowned strongman/bodybuilder Eugen Sandow in 1894; Arguably the greatest characterization of muscles in the movies, however, was brought to the screen by Mr. America/Mr. Universe Steve Reeves who, as Hercules, set the tone for dozens of so-called Sword and Sandal epics, produced mostly in Italy, through the 1960s. In the last three decades of the century, Hollywood cashed in on the increased market value of muscles on the screen... ) (DLC)2020019216
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2020-05-21: new
2020-11-13: revised
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