The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Subject Headings (LCSH)

Mainland Comox dialect

  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • Éy7á7juuthem dialect
    • Homalco dialect
    • Klahoose dialect
    • Sliammon dialect
  • Broader Terms

  • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Sources

    • found: Work cat.: Watanabe, Honoré. A morphological description of Sliammon, Mainland Comox Salish, 2003.(OCoLC)54411382
    • found: Ethnologue, Apr. 4, 2023(under Comox: Dialects: Island Comox (Salhulhtxw), Mainland Comox (Homalco, Klahoose, Sliammon, Éy7á7juuthem). All use the mainland dialect. Island Comox dialect has no remaining L1 speakers)
    • found: Omniglot - the online encyclopedia of writing systems & languages, Apr. 4, 2023(Comox is a Coastal Salish language spoken in parts of British Colombia in Canada by about 36 people. Historically it was spoken in the northern Georgia Strait region along the east coast of Vancouver Island and the northern Sunshine Coast. There were main dialects: Island Comox, which was spoken by the K'omoks First Nation, but is now extinct, and Mainland Comox, which is spoken by the Sliammon, Klahoose and Homalhco)
    • found: Endangered Languages Project website, Apr. 4, 2023(Éy7á7juuthem (Comox); variants & dialects: Island Comox; Mainland Comox)
    • found: Native languages of the Americas website, Apr. 4, 2023(Comox Language (Sliammon, Salhulhtxw); The Comox or Sliammon language is one of the Salishan family of languages, spoken by around 400 people in British Columbia, Canada. There were originally two dialects of this language, Mainland Comox (or Sliammon) and Island Comox (or Salhutltxw), but only the Sliammon dialect is still spoken today)
    • found: Wikipedia, Apr. 4, 2023(Comox language; Comox or Éyʻáʻjuuthem is a Coast Salish language historically spoken in the northern Georgia Strait region, spanning the east coast of Vancouver Island and the northern Sunshine Coast and adjoining inlets and islands; two main dialects, Island Comox, associated with the K'ómoks First Nation, and Mainland Comox)
    • found: Glottolog, Apr. 4, 2023(Dialect: Sliammon; Spoken L1 Language: Comox; also has dialect Island Comox listed under Comox)
  • History Notes

    • [Established August 2023.]
  • Instance Of

  • Scheme Membership(s)

  • Collection Membership(s)

  • Change Notes

    • 2023-04-04: new
    • 2023-08-30: revised
  • Alternate Formats