The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Subject Headings (LCSH)

Spirit houses (Shrines)

  • Here are entered works on structures built in Asia as shelters for spirits. Works on large-scale structures built in Papua New Guinea for group rituals and community meetings are entered under [Spirit houses (Religious facilities).]
  • URI(s)

  • Broader Terms

  • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Sources

    • found: Work cat: Hirschbichler, M. Spirit structures of Papua New Guinea, 2024:CIP t.p. (Spirit structures) galley (in many cultures, spirits and ghosts occupy a very central role) (DLC)2023057000
    • found: A&AT, Jan. 5, 2024(spirit houses (religious structures); small or miniature houses in which guardian or deceased spirits are invited to live)
    • found: Brooklyn Museum website, Jan. 7, 2024:under Spirit shrine (image of an ancestor shrine larger than most; its inscriptions indicate that it was made for use in a public building rather than in a family home) -
    • found: Pearce, M. Accommodating the disincarnate (via Cornell University eCommons), 2010:abstract (In Thailand, many house compounds are adorned with small shrines dedicated to locality and guardian spirits. The shrines are known by various names; in English they are popularly referred to as 'spirit houses') keywords (Shrines; Thailand; Religious life and customs; Animism; Spirit houses; Thai Buddhism) -
    • found: Thai 'spirit houses' believed to bring fortune (via Deutsche Welle website), Sept. 1, 2021(miniature shrines set up in cities across the country; houses, called "San Phra Phum," or shrine of the guardian spirit, are part of a Thai tradition of spirit worship) -
    • found: Wikipedia, Jan. 4, 2024(Spirit house; A spirit house is a shrine to the protective spirit of a place that is found in the Southeast Asian countries of Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines. They are normally in the form of small roofed structure mounted on a pillar or a dais, and can range in size from small platforms to houses large enough for people to enter. Spirit houses are intended to provide a shelter for spirits that could cause problems for the people if not appeased)
    • notfound: Avery index, Jan. 4, 2024
  • General Notes

    • Here are entered works on structures built in Asia as shelters for spirits. Works on large-scale structures built in Papua New Guinea for group rituals and community meetings are entered under [Spirit houses (Religious facilities).]
  • History Notes

    • [Established June 2024.]
  • Instance Of

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  • Collection Membership(s)

  • Change Notes

    • 2024-01-06: new
    • 2024-06-14: revised
  • Alternate Formats