- http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh85040468
- http://id.loc.gov/authorities/sh85040468#concept
- Geosciences
Broader Terms
Narrower Terms
- Aeronautics in earth sciences
- Artificial satellites in earth sciences
- Astronautics in earth sciences
- Atmospheric science
- Classification--Books--Earth sciences
- Electronics in earth sciences
- Geobiology
- Geochemistry
- Geography
- Geology
- Geomatics
- Geophysics
- High pressure geosciences
- Hydrology
- Libraries--Special collections--Earth sciences
- Oceanography
- Radar in earth sciences
- Soil science
- Thermal analysis in earth sciences
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Broader Concepts from Other Schemes
- Earth sciences--Abstracts
- Earth sciences--Authorship
- Earth sciences--Bibliography
- Earth sciences--Bibliography--Methodology
- Earth sciences--Book reviews
- Earth sciences--Computer network resources
- Earth sciences--Computer programs
- Earth sciences--Computer simulation
- Earth sciences--Computer-assisted instruction
- Earth sciences--Documentation
- Earth sciences--Environmental aspects
- Earth sciences--Examinations
- Earth sciences--Examinations, questions, etc
- Earth sciences--Field work
- Earth sciences--Information services
- Earth sciences--International cooperation
- Earth sciences--Library resources
- Earth sciences--Maps
- Earth sciences--Mathematical models
- Earth sciences--Mathematics
- Earth sciences--Measurement
- Earth sciences--Methodology
- Earth sciences--Periodicals
- Earth sciences--Philosophy
- Earth sciences--Research
- Earth sciences--Research grants
- Earth sciences--Research--International cooperation
- Earth sciences--Social aspects
- Earth sciences--Societies, etc
- Earth sciences--Statistical methods
- Earth sciences--Study and teaching (Continuing education)
- Earth sciences--Study and teaching (Elementary)
- Earth sciences--Study and teaching (Higher)
- Earth sciences--Study and teaching (Middle school)
- Earth sciences--Study and teaching (Primary)
- Earth sciences--Study and teaching (Secondary)
- Earth sciences--Study and teaching (Secondary)--Activity programs
- Earth sciences--Technique
- Earth sciences--Technological innovations
- Earth sciences--Vocational guidance
- found: Random House(Earth science, also called geoscience)
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
- 1986-02-11: new
- 1992-09-16: revised
Alternate Formats