found: Mammalian species, no. 362, 1990:p. 1 ("The minks (M. lutreola and M. vison) occupy an intermediate position in body shape between the otter (Lutra lutra) and the terrestrial mustelids ... the European mink is not as efficient in the water as the American mink.")
found: Corbet world list mamm. species, 1991:p. 105-106 (Mustela lutreola, European mink; Mustela vison, American mink (includes domesticated mink))
found: Walker mam. world:v. 2, p. 1106 (Mustela lutreola (European mink), subgenus Lutreola; Mustela vison (American mink), subgenus Vison)
found: Web. 3(mink n. pl mink or minks (2): any of several slender-bodied semiaquatic carnivorous mammals that resemble and are closely related to the weasels, comprise a subgenus of Mustela, and have partially webbed feet, a thick soft usu. dark brown coat, and a rather short bushy tail)