found: ITIS, Oct. 16, 2003(Family Planorbidae, Order Basommatophora)
found: The NCBI taxonomy homepage, Oct. 16, 2003(Planorbidae. Rank: family. Order Pulmonata, Suborder Basommatophora, Superfamily Lymnaeoidea)
found: Common and scientific names of aquatic invertebrates from the United States and Canada. Mollusks, 1998:p. 135 (Planorbidae. Order Basommatophora. Common names of species listed include "sprite", "planorb", "rams-horn", or "gyro")
found: Branson, B.A. Recent Gastropoda of Oklahoma. Part II, Distribution, ecology, and taxonomy of fresh-water species, with description of Helisoma travertina sp. nov., 1961:p. 56 (Family Planorbidae; planorbes; ramshorns, etc.)