found: Work cat.: Loneragan, O.W. Historical review of sandalwood (Santalum spicatum) research in Western Australia, c1990:p. 1 (East Indian Sandalwood (Santalum album))
found: Plants national database, via WWW, Oct. 28, 2004(Santalum album L., sandalwood)
found: Wiersema, J.H. World economic plants, c1999(Santalum album. East Indian sandalwood, sandalwood, white sandalwood, white saunders, yellow sandalwood, yellow saunders)
found: Flora : dict. of common plant names, 2003(sandalwood; sandalwood, Indian; sandalwood, white: Santalum album)
found: Mabberley, D.J. The plant-book, c1997(Santalum album, (Indian) sandalwood)
found: Gardener's dictionary, via National Gardening Association web site, Oct. 28, 2004(sandalwood: A common name for Santalum album, a tropical small tree. Also known as white sandalwood)