found: United States International Trade Commission. Ammonium paratungstate and tungstic acid from the People's Republic of China, 1987.
found: Donal, J.S. Abnormal shot effect of ions of tungstous and tungstic oxide, 1930.
found:, July 19, 2012(tungstic: of or containing tungsten, especially in the pentavalent or hexavalent state; tungstous: of or containing tungsten in a low valence state; wolframic: Chemistry. tungstic)
found: Watts, H. A dictionary of chemistry and the allied branches of other sciences, 1877, via Google books, viewed July 19, 2012(tungstic compounds: Compounds in which tungsten is hexatomic; tungstoso-tungstic compounds: Compounds intermediate in composition between tungstous and tungstic compounds; tungstous compounds: Compounds in which tungsten is quadriequivalent)
found: Inorganic chemistry of the transition elements, 1971-1976:v. 6, p. 140 (tungstic compounds)