found: Work cat.: Patterson and Pattersons, Fifty years of the Patterson function, 1987: CIP galley(Patterson function: a widely used tool for the solution of crystal structures; Patterson functions)
found: McGraw-Hill dict. sci. tech.(Patterson function: a function of 3 spatial coordinates, constructed in the Patterson-Harker method, which has peaks at all vectors between 2 atoms in a crystal, the heights of the peaks being approx. proportional to the products of the atomic nos. of the corresponding atoms)
found: Encyc. phys. sci. and tech.:v. 4, p. 55 (Patterson function)
found: Van Nostrand's sci. encyc., 7th ed.:p. 810 (Patterson function)
notfound: ASTI;Chem. abst.;Hackh chem. dict.;Hawley chem. dict.;Hennepin;TEST;Web. 3