found: Work cat.: Studies in the history of the Sokoto Caliphate, 1979.
found: Oyewole, A. Historical dictionary of Nigeria, 1987(jihad)
found: Britannica Macro.:v. 19, p. 772 (most famous of the West African jihāds)
found: Oliver, R. A short history of Africa, 1978, reprinted 1984:p. 156 (Fulani jihad)
found: Osae, T.A. A short history of West Africa, c1973:p. 194-196 (Fulani jihad, 1804-1830)
found: Historical atlas of Africa, 1985:map 45 (Sokoto jihād)
found: LC database, June 24, 1988(Sokoto jihad; no hits for Fulani jihad)
found: Notes on Sakkwato Jihad, 2003:p. 1 (Sokoto is the anglicised form of Sakkwato)