found: Work cat.: Mitchell, C.P. Tainted booze, c1987 (1988 printing):p. 1 (urethane; urethan ethyl urethan, ethyl carbamate, carbamic acid ethyl ester; belongs to a class of organic cpds. known as carbamates; C₃H₇NO₂)
found: Hawley chem. dict.(urethane; ethyl carbamate, ethyl urethane; SA polyurethane)
found: Hackh chem. dict.(urethane; ethyl carbamate, urane, urethan, ethylurethane)
found: Chem. abst.:51-79-6 (urethane, see carbamic acid, esters, ethyl ester)
found: Web. 3.
found: Random House.