found: Engler Syl. Pflanz.:p. 240 (Krameria)
found: Ind. nom. gen. (plant.)(Krameria; syn: Kramera)
found: Cklist. vasc. flora:p. 240 (Krameria)
found: LC data base, 1/16/90(kramerias)
found: SPN(Krameria; common name: Krameria (Ratany))
found: ITIS, Aug. 27, 2014(Genus Krameria L. - ratany. Family Krameriaceae - kramerias)
found: The plants database, via WWW, Aug. 27, 2014(Krameria L. - ratany. Family Krameriaceae)
found: Wikipedia, Aug. 27, 2014(Krameria is the only genus in the Krameriaceae family, of which any of the approximately 17 species are commonly known as rhatany, ratany or rattany)