found: Work cat.: 00034546: Seely, R. Russo-Chechen political relations, 1800-2000, 2000:introd. (in the summer of 1996 Russia withdrew its troops from Chechnia; three years later the troops were ordered back into Chechnia; by the spring of 2000, the war was still ongoing)
found: Americana annual, 1995:p. 446 (Chechnya seceded from Russia in 1991 but Russia did not recognize its independence; in December 1994 Russia intervened in the civil war in Chechnya)
found: Americana annual, 1998:p. 442 (The Chechen Republic, which effectively won its internal war with Russia by virtue of the 1996 cease-fire, claimed full independence, which Russia in turn denied. Even after President Yeltsin and Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov signed a peace treaty in May 1997, each side held differing views about what the treaty meant. Russia maintained that Chechnya was part of Russia, and Chechnya maintained that it was fully independent. Nevertheless, President Yeltsin pledged that he would never again use force against Chechnya and President Maskhadov vowed to crack down on hard-line Chechens. Negotiations between both sides continued.)
found: Wash. Post index, Jan. 2000:under Civil War-Chechnya/Russia (19 entries)
found: Blank, S. Russia's invasion of Chechnya, 1995:p. 1 (Russia's armed force invaded Chechnya Dec. 11, 1994)
found: German, Tracey C. Russia's Chechen war, 2003.
found: Seely, Robert. Russo-Chechen conflict, 1800-2000, 2001.
found: Behind their backs : Russian forces' use of civilians as hostages and human shields during the Chechnya war, 1997.
found: OMRI Daily Digest I, "Last Russian troops leave Chechnya,":no. 246, sent Dec. 30, 1996 (The last Russian combat troops ... left Chechnya on 29 Dec., ahead of the scheduled 27 Jan. departure date ... A small number of logistical personnel remain in the republic ...) "Chechnya free of Russian troops," no. 3, 6, sent Jan. 6, 1997 (Lt.-Gen. Pavel Maslov, chief of staff of the Interior Ministry troops, stated to Interfax on 5 Jan. that "I officially announce that as of today not one soldier of the Interior Ministry or Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation remains in Chechyna.")
found: Readers' guide, Oct. 1999(hdg.: Chechnya (Russia)--History--Russian invasion, 1994-)