found: Australian encyc., 1988:v. 1, pp. 126-128.
found: Chambers 21st century dict., 1996:def. 2 ("said of a lifestyle, culture, etc. outside the conventionally accepted ways of doing something and therefore thought of by adherents as preferable")
found: Ohu : alternative life style communities. Advisory Committee by the Dept. of Lands and Survey, 1975.
found: The Australian concise Oxford dict. of current English, 1997("a way of living regarded as unacceptable by conventional standards, esp. one that rejects consumerism, monogamy, the work ethic, etc.")
found: Macquarie dict.:Alternative lifestyle ("lifestyle which is based on alternative values) def. 7 ("offering standards and criteria of behaviour of a minority group within and opposed to an established western society")
found: Rinella, J. Partners in power, c2003:p. 2 (alternate lifestyles)
found: Handbook of contemporary families, c2004:table of contents (Alternate lifestyles today)
notfound: OED;Random House;Web. 3