Imbongu (Papua New Guinean people)
Au (Southern Highlands Province Papua New Guinean people)
Aua (Papua New Guinean people)
Awa (Southern Highlands Province Papua New Guinean people)
Ibo Ugu (Papua New Guinean people)
Imbo Ungu (Papua New Guinea people)
Imbo Ungu (Papua New Guinean people)
Imbon Ggo (Papua New Guinean people)
Imbonggo (Papua New Guinean people)
Imbonggu (Papua New Guinean people)
Broader Terms
Earlier Established Forms
found: Work cat.: 98-81264: Wormsley, W.E. The white man will eat you! : an anthropologist among the Imbonggu of New Guinea, c1993.
found: Ethnologue:p. 651 (Ibo Ugu, Imbon Ggo, Imbongu, Awa)
notfound: Ency. world cult.;Illus. encyc. mankind
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
2006-01-27: new
2011-02-02: revised
Alternate Formats