found: Hartley, M. Making oatcakes, 1998:p. 4 of cover (Oatcake once formed a staple part of the diet in upland regions. Two distinct types were made: a thin, long, oval-shaped oatcake; and a rolled-out, thicker, cake, both baked on backstones ... oatcakes are still made in the old style)
found: Hartley, D. Food in England, 1996:p. 518 (West-Riding oatcake "type of thin oatbread")
found: Grigson, J. English food, 1992:p. 331 (West Yorkshire oatcake)
found: OED(Oat-cake "A 'cake' made of oatmeal")
found: Web. 3(Oatcake)