The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > BIBFRAME Hubs

Bibframe Hub

Works. Selections
Other Titles (e.g. Variant)
Airs & instrumental music
Airs and instrumental music
Ayres for the theatre
Ceremonial music
Collection of ayres compos'd for the theatre and upon other occasions
Complete funeral music
Dramatic music
Elegies, Music for strings
Full anthems & organ music
Full anthems and organ music
Harmonia sacra
Homage to Henry Purcell
Instrumental pieces
Music for Queen Mary II
Music for the funeral of Queen Mary
Music for the theatre
Music of Purcell
Musique de scène, airs d'opéras, odes et chants sacrés
Ode on St. Cecilia's Day
Ode per il giorno di S. Cecilia
Purcell miscellany
Recueil d'airs à 4 parties tirez des opera tragédies & comédies
Selected vocal and instrumental works of Henry Purcell
Songs and dances of the playhouse
Songs and grounds
Songs and instrumental music for the stage
Sweeter than roses
Theatre music
Identified By
Lccn: n82012376
Lccn: no98028476(canceled or invalid)
Lccn: no98004196(canceled or invalid)
OclcNumber: oca00709648
data source: His A collection of ayres compos'd for the theatre and upon other occasions, 1697
description source: Created from auth.
Authorized Access Point
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695 Works. Selections