Bibframe Work
Tell me, some pitying angel : the blessed Virgin's expostulation (7:24)
In the black, dismal dungeon of despair (4:10)
We sing to Him, whose wisdom form'd the ear (2:03)
Air en sol mineur = in G minor (1:26)
Great God, and just : a penitential hymn (2:29)
My song shall be alway : Psalm 89 (3:06)
Ground en ré mineur = in D minor (1:30)
Lord, what is man? (5:22)
Let the night perish : Job's curse (4:16)
Chaconne en sol mineur = in G minor (2:27)
The night is come : an evening hymn (2:32)
With sick and famish'd eyes (5:16)
How have I stray'd (3:38)
Suite en sol mineur = in G minor (8:48)
My opening eyes are purged : a divine song of the Passion of our Saviour (4:18)
How long, great God : the aspiration (3:37)
Ground en do mineur = in C minor (2:31)
Sleep, Adam, and take thy rest (1:31)
Thou wakeful shepherd : a morning hymn (2:57)
The earth trembled : on our Saviour's Passion (2:07)
Now that the sun hath veil'd his light : an evening hymn on a ground (4:11).
Status: new
Date: 2015-06-10
Status: changed
Date: 2023-01-05T12:19:48
Description Modifier: United States, Library of Congress
Generation Process:
Status: changed
Date: 2024-08-02T14:26:33.238935-04:00
Encoding Level: minimal
Description Level:
Description Conventions: Anglo-American cataloguing rules
Identified By: bf:Local, 18652447
Description Language: English
Description Authentication: lccopycat