International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism (Israel)
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- Contributor to
- Countering suicide terrorism
- Ganor, Boaz Mavokh ha-loḥamah
- Ganor, Boaz The counter-terror
- ha-Maʼavaḳ ba-ṭeror u-zekhuyot
- Hofman, Ronen Suryah ṿeha-ṭero
- ICT newsletter
- International Policy Institute
- Leḳeṭ medaʻ ḥodshi modiʻin ṿe-
- Osamah bin Laden ṿe-irgun "al-
- Post modern terrorism
- Shay, Shaul Islamic terror and
- Shay, Shaul Islamic terror and
- Shay, Shaul The shahids
- Trends in terrorism post Septe