Noto, Phil
Identified By
Associated Language
- English
Field of Activity
(lcsh) Comic books, strips,etc.
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Contributor to
- Azzarello, Brian First wave
- Batman/Doc Savage special
- Beautiful killer
- Campbell, J. Scott Danger girl
- Chewbacca
- Crouse, Megan Star Wars The Hi
- Diggle, Andy The laughing magi
- Duggan, Gerry Cable
- Gage, Christos Angel & Faith.
- Gage, Christos Wildstorm
- Gates, Sterling World's finest
- Gray, Justin (Comic book write
- Ireland, Justina Spark of the
- Johnson, Peter Chuck
- Noto, Phil [Comic book illustr
- Puckett, Kelley Batgirl, fists
- Reed, Brian, 1973- Halo
- Reign of X
- Simone, Gail Legends of Red So
- Soule, Charles Star Wars. Poe
- Soule, Charles Star Wars. Poe
- True believers. Chewbacca
- Whedon, Joss, 1964- Buffy the
- X-Men origins. Iceman