Kendi, Ibram X.
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1982-08-13
Has Affiliation
- Affiliation Start: 2020
- Organization: Boston University
Has Affiliation
- Organization: State University of New York at Albany
Has Affiliation
- Organization: State University of New York College at Oneonta
Has Affiliation
- Organization: American University (Washington, D.C.)
- African American authors
Birth Place
- Jamaica (New York, N.Y.)
Associated Language
- English
Field of Activity
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Subject of
- Contributor to
- Cherry-Paul, Sonja Stamped (fo
- Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edw
- Four hundred souls
- Four hundred souls
- Gill, Joel Christian Stamped f
- Hurston, Zora Neale Barracoon
- Hurston, Zora Neale Barracoon
- Kendi, Ibram X. Antiracist Bab
- Kendi, Ibram X. Be antiracist
- Kendi, Ibram X. Goodnight raci
- Kendi, Ibram X. How to be a (y
- Kendi, Ibram X. How to be an a
- Kendi, Ibram X. How to be an a
- Kendi, Ibram X. How to raise a
- Kendi, Ibram X. How to raise a
- Kendi, Ibram X. Magnolia flowe
- Kendi, Ibram X. Malcolm lives!
- Kendi, Ibram X. Stamped
- Kendi, Ibram X. Stamped from t
- Kendi, Ibram X. Stamped from t
- Kendi, Ibram X. The Black camp
- Kendi, Ibram X. The making of