Napolitano, Tom
Identified By
Associated Language
- English
Field of Activity
(lcsh) Comic books, strips, etc.
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Contributor to
- A very DC rebirth holiday sequ
- Abnett, Dan Code of honor
- Abnett, Dan Hell-iday road
- Abnett, Dan Out of darkness
- Abnett, Dan Up in smoke
- Andreyko, Marc Killers of Kryp
- Andreyko, Marc Sins of the cir
- Azzarello, Brian Luthor
- Bendis, Brian Michael Batman
- Bunn, Cullen Aquaman. Volume 7
- Chu, Amy The long way home
- Cloonan, Becky Future State
- Conner, Amanda A matter of tim
- Conner, Amanda Black, white an
- Conner, Amanda Harley Quinn. V
- Conner, Amanda The Joker's las
- Conner, Amanda Welcome home
- Constant, Andrew The Demon
- Corson, Heath Bizarro
- Dark nights metal
- Dark nights: metal
- De Campi, Alex All the nightma
- De Campi, Alex The enemy withi
- DeMatteis, J. M. Justice Leagu
- Doyle, Ming Constantine, the H
- Doyle, Ming Constantine, the H
- Finch, Meredith Wonder Woman.
- Garcia, Kami Teen Titans
- Giffen, Keith Sugar & Spike
- Gleason, Patrick Bizarroverse
- Gleason, Patrick Robin, son of
- Gleason, Patrick Robin, son of
- Houser, Jody Infectious
- Howard, Sheena C. Generation w
- Humphries, Sam Out of time
- Johnson, Phillip Kennedy, 1970
- Jurgens, Dan DC Comics, genera
- Jurgens, Dan Titans
- Kelly, Collin gen:LOCK
- Lemire, Jeff Meet the Terrific
- Lemire, Jeff Tom Strong and th
- Manapul, Francis Dead space
- Morrison, Grant Final Crisis t
- Neon Joe, werewolf hunter
- Orlando, Steve (Comic book wri
- Orlando, Steve (Comic book wri
- Orlando, Steve Gotham City Mon
- Ridley, John, 1965- Batman by
- Ryan, Sean, 1982- Monsters
- Sanchez, Ricardo, 1970- Shy ni
- Seeley, Tim A ghost in the tom
- Seeley, Tim Grayson
- Shadmi, Koren Lugosi
- Snyder, Scott Batman, last kni
- Snyder, Scott Dark nights
- Snyder, Scott Dark nights
- Snyder, Scott Dark nights, dea
- Snyder, Scott Dark nights, dea
- Snyder, Scott Dark Nights, dea
- Snyder, Scott Graveyard of god
- Snyder, Scott Hawkworld
- Snyder, Scott Justice League b
- Snyder, Scott Justice League/A
- Snyder, Scott Justice/Doom war
- Snyder, Scott Tales from the D
- Snyder, Scott The sixth dimens
- Snyder, Scott The totality
- Spencer, Si Bodies
- Spurrier, Simon Galaxy of terr
- Sturges, Lilah Fables. Volume
- Tales from the DC dark multive
- Tomasi, Peter Batman and Robin
- Tomasi, Peter Superman/Wonder
- Tomasi, Peter The Joker war
- Tynion, James, IV Batman
- Tynion, James, IV Batman/Teena
- Tynion, James, IV Batman/Teena
- Tynion, James, IV Batman/Teena
- Tynion, James, IV Batman/Teena
- Tynion, James, IV The Joker
- Tynion, James, IV Their dark d
- V, Ram Fear state
- V, Ram Valley of the shadow of
- Venditti, Robert Monstrous
- Venditti, Robert Scorched eart
- Venditti, Robert Vengeance is
- Walker, Landry Q. (Landry Quin
- Wielgosz, Dave Man-Bat
- Williams, Rob (Robert Glyndwr)
- Williams, Rob (Robert Glyndwr)
- Williams, Rob (Robert Glyndwr)
- Williamson, Joshua Infinite fr
- Williamson, Joshua Justice Lea
- Williamson, Joshua Negative
- Williamson, Joshua Running sca
- Williamson, Joshua The Flash
- Yang, Gene Luen Equilibrium
- Yang, Gene Luen The God Game
- Yang, Gene Luen The tomorrow w
- Young, Keezy Taproot
- More than 100 found...