Kriesi, Hanspeter
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1949-12-10
Has Affiliation
- Email: [email protected]
Has Affiliation
- Organization: European University Institute
- Organization: Universität Bern
- Organization: Universität Zürich
- Organization: University of Chicago
- Organization: Universiteit van Amsterdam
- Organization: Université de Genève
Birth Place
- Bischofszell (Switzerland)
Associated Language
- English
Field of Activity
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Contributor to
- Bewegung in der Schweizer Poli
- Contemporary Switzerland
- Contentious episodes in the ag
- Contentious episodes in the ag
- Der Aufstieg der SVP
- Dong, Lisheng Urban mobilizati
- Dong, Lisheng Urban mobilizati
- European party politics in tim
- How Europeans view and evaluat
- Kriesi, Hanspeter AKW-Gegner i
- Kriesi, Hanspeter Coming to te
- Kriesi, Hanspeter Democracy in
- Kriesi, Hanspeter Die Zürcher
- Kriesi, Hanspeter Direct democ
- Kriesi, Hanspeter Direct democ
- Kriesi, Hanspeter Entscheidung
- Kriesi, Hanspeter Le système p
- Kriesi, Hanspeter Les démocrat
- Kriesi, Hanspeter The impact o
- Kriesi, Hanspeter The politics
- L'Extrême droite en Suisse
- Nation and national identity
- New social movements in Wester
- Political communication in dir
- Political conflict in Western
- Politicising Europe
- Politische Aktivierung in der
- Rechtsextremismus in der Schwe
- Schweizer Wahlen 1995
- Social movements in a globaliz
- Social movements in a globaliz
- The Blackwell companion to soc
- The politics of advanced capit
- The Wiley Blackwell companion
- The Wiley Blackwell companion
- Value change in Switzerland
- West European politics in the
- Wirtschaftsverbände in der Sch