Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1926-09-01
Death Date
- 2018-06-19
Has Affiliation
- Affiliation Start: 1963
- Affiliation End: 1997
- Source: New York times WWW site, viewed June 21, 2018
- Organization: Harvard University
Birth Place
- Atlanta (Ga.)
Associated Language
- English
Field of Activity
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Subject of
- Bell, Roger V., 1944- Sounding
- Butler, Rex Stanley Cavell and
- Butler, Rex Stanley Cavell and
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 A p
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 Lit
- Cavell's Must we mean what we
- Cavell's Must we mean what we
- Contending with Stanley Cavell
- Dahl, Espen, 1974- Stanley Cav
- Dahl, Espen, 1974- Stanley Cav
- Dienstag, Joshua Foa, 1965- Ci
- Dienstag, Joshua Foa, 1965- Ci
- Duffy, Edward T. Secular myste
- Dula, Peter, 1970- Cavell, com
- Fischer, Michael, 1949- Stanle
- Fleming, Richard, 1952- First
- Giosi, Marco Stanley Cavell
- Gonya, Adam Stanley Cavell and
- Gould, Timothy Hearing things
- Hall, Ronald L., 1945- The hum
- Hammer, Espen Stanley Cavell
- Hunziker, Andreas Das Wagnis d
- Inheriting Stanley Cavell
- Kelz, Rosine Judith, 1981- The
- Korsmeier, Antje Sprache erfah
- Lash, Dominic Haunting the wor
- Mahon, Áine The ironist and th
- Mahon, Áine The ironist and th
- Meyerowitz, Rael, 1953- Transf
- Movies with Stanley Cavell in
- Movies with Stanley Cavell in
- Mulhall, Stephen, 1962- Stanle
- Music with Stanley Cavell in m
- Music with Stanley Cavell in m
- Norris, Andrew, 1960- Becoming
- Norris, Andrew, 1960- Becoming
- Ordinary language criticism
- Reading Cavell
- Rhu, Lawrence F. Stanley Cavel
- Rolf, Eckard Der andere Austin
- Rónai, András, 1976- A kifejez
- Ronell, Avital America
- Rosenstock, Bruce (Bruce Benja
- Rothman, William The holiday i
- Saito, Naoko American philosop
- Schuff, Jochen Ästhetisches Ve
- Shaw, Daniel Stanley Cavell an
- Soggetto, linguaggio e forme d
- Stanley Cavell
- Stanley Cavell and literary st
- Stanley Cavell and philosophy
- Stanley Cavell and philosophy
- Stanley Cavell and the educati
- Stanley Cavell, literature, an
- Techio, Jônadas The threat of
- Techio, Jônadas The threat of
- The Senses of Stanley Cavell
- Varieties of skepticism
- Viefhues-Bailey, Ludger H., 19
- Contributor to
- Art and science
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 A p
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 Cav
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 Cav
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 Cit
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 Con
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 Con
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 Con
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 Dis
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 Dis
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 Eme
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 Her
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 In
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 Lit
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 Mus
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 Mus
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 Mus
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 Mus
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 Nac
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 Phi
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 Phi
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 Pur
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 The
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 The
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 The
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 The
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 The
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 The
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 The
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 The
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 The
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 The
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 Thi
- Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 Thi
- Che cosa è arte
- Contending with Stanley Cavell
- Fleming, Jeff Magic markers
- Images in our souls
- Le déclin de la philosophie an
- Philosophy and animal life
- Pursuits of reason