Blanc, Mel
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1908-05-30
Death Date
- 1989-07-10
Has Affiliation
- Organization: KGW (Radio station : Portland, Or.)
Birth Place
- San Francisco, Calif.
Associated Locale
- Portland, Or.
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Contributor to
- A coy decoy
- Africa squeaks
- Africa squeaks
- Ali-Baba bound--
- Bugs Bunny and his friends
- Bugs Bunny sings
- Burns & Allen (Comedy team) Ge
- Calling Dr. Porky
- Calling Dr. Porky
- Camera three. Part 1. The boys
- Camera three. Part 2. The boys
- Chicken jitters
- Confusions of a nutzy spy
- Daffy duckaroo
- Daffy's southern exposure
- Foster, Warren, 1904-1971 Loon
- Foster, Warren, 1904-1971 Loon
- Get rich quick Porky
- Hollywood flashbacks
- I taut I taw a puddy tat
- Injun trouble
- Injun trouble
- It's an ill wind
- Jack Benny program. 1945-12-09
- Jack Benny program. 1946-10-27
- Jack Benny show. 1946-11-17
- Jack Benny show. 1951-12-16. p
- Jack Benny show. 1952-01-13. p
- Jack Benny show. 1952-01-13. p
- Meet John Doughboy
- Moltzner, Mason Hollywood radi
- Naughty neighbors
- Notes to you
- Patient Porky
- Picador Porky
- Pied piper Porky
- Pierce, Tedd Bugs Bunny and th
- Pierce, Tedd Bugs Bunny in sto
- Pierce, Tedd Tweety's puddy ta
- Pierce, Tedd Woody Woodpecker'
- Polar pals
- Polar pals
- Porky & Daffy
- Porky and Teabiscuit
- Porky and Teabiscuit
- Porky in Wackyland
- Porky Pig's feat
- Porky the fireman
- Porky the giant killer
- Porky the gob
- Porky's ant
- Porky's bear facts
- Porky's cafe
- Porky's cafe
- Porky's five & ten
- Porky's hare hunt
- Porky's hired hand
- Porky's hired hand
- Porky's hotel
- Porky's midnight matinee
- Porky's movie mystery
- Porky's naughty nephew
- Porky's naughty nephew
- Porky's party
- Porky's pastry pirates
- Porky's phoney express
- Porky's picnic
- Porky's pooch
- Porky's pooch
- Porky's poppa
- Porky's poultry plant
- Porky's preview
- Porky's prize pony
- Porky's railroad
- Porky's road race
- Porky's romance
- Porky's snooze reel
- Porky's spring planting
- Porky's super service
- Puss n' booty
- Robinson Crusoe, Jr
- The chewin' bruin
- The Daffy doc
- The film fan
- The film fan
- The golden age of Looney Tunes
- The golden age of Looney Tunes
- The golden age of Looney Tunes
- The golden age of Looney Tunes
- The golden age of Looney Tunes
- The henpecked duck
- The impatient patient
- The Lone Stranger and Porky
- The timid toreador
- We, the animals squeak
- We, the animals, squeak!
- What's opera, Doc?
- Who's who in the zoo
- Wholly smoke
- Woody Woodpecker's picnic
- More than 100 found...