Bengtson, Vern L.
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1941-05-02
Associated Language
- English
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Contributor to
- Adult intergenerational relati
- Adulthood and aging
- Aging
- Aging in East and West
- Bengtson, Vern L. Families and
- Bengtson, Vern L. How families
- Bengtson, Vern L. Intergenerat
- Bengtson, Vern L. Intergenerat
- Bengtson, Vern L. The social p
- Emergent theories of aging
- Global aging and challenges to
- Grandparenthood
- Handbook of theories of aging
- Handbook of theories of aging
- Handbook of theories of aging
- Measurement of intergeneration
- Psychosocial needs of the aged
- Sourcebook of family theory &
- The Changing contract across g
- The Course of later life
- Transportation, the diverse ag