Beier, Ulli
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1922-07-30
Death Date
- 2011-04-03
Has Affiliation
- Organization: IWALEWA-Haus (Bayreuth, Germany)
Birth Place
- Główczyce, Poland
Associated Locale
- Sydney (N.S.W.)
Associated Language
- German
Associated Language
- English
Associated Language
- Yoruba
Field of Activity
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Subject of
- Contributor to
- Abiodun, Rowland A young man c
- Beier, Ulli African mud sculpt
- Beier, Ulli African poetry
- Beier, Ulli Art in Nigeria, 19
- Beier, Ulli Black writing from
- Beier, Ulli Contemporary art i
- Beier, Ulli Contemporary art i
- Beier, Ulli Decolonising the m
- Beier, Ulli Dream time-machine
- Beier, Ulli Ein Meer aus Indig
- Beier, Ulli Folklore in Melane
- Beier, Ulli Hohao
- Beier, Ulli Ijala: animal song
- Beier, Ulli Introduction to Af
- Beier, Ulli Introduction to Af
- Beier, Ulli Introduction to Af
- Beier, Ulli Mirka
- Beier, Ulli Neue Kunst aus Aus
- Beier, Ulli Political spider
- Beier, Ulli Political spider
- Beier, Ulli Quandamooka, the a
- Beier, Ulli The hunter thinks
- Beier, Ulli The origin of life
- Beier, Ulli The return of the
- Beier, Ulli The stolen images
- Beier, Ulli Thirty years of Os
- Beier, Ulli Weighing the cost
- Beier, Ulli When the moon was
- Beier, Ulli Words of paradise
- Beier, Ulli Words of paradise
- Beier, Ulli Yemi Bisiri
- Beier, Ulli Yoruba beaded crow
- Beier, Ulli Yoruba poetry
- Beier, Ulli Yoruba poetry
- Black Orpheus
- Black Orpheus
- Braasem, W. A. Luo zaho
- Chakravarti, Prithvindra Baul;
- Cox, Paul Home of man
- Denk, Wolfgang, 1947-2023 Susa
- Gbadamosi, Bakare Not even God
- Glücklose Köpfe
- Ijimere, Obotunde, 1930- The i
- Ladipo, Duro Three Yoruba play
- Moore, Gerald, 1924- Modern po
- Neue Kunst aus Indien
- Neue Kunst in Afrika
- Only dust; three modern Indone
- Otis Art Institute Contemporar
- Sun and moon in Papua New Guin
- The Moon cannot fight
- The Penguin book of modern Afr
- Twins Seven Seven, 1944-2011 A
- Voices of independence
- Yoruba myths
- Yoruba poetry