Strauss, Leo
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1899-09-20
Death Date
- 1973-10-18
Has Affiliation
- Affiliation Start: 1949
- Affiliation End: 1969
- Organization: University of Chicago
Has Affiliation
- Affiliation Start: 1970
- Affiliation End: 1973
- Organization: St. John's College (Annapolis, Md.)
Birth Place
- Kirchhain (Hesse, Germany)
Associated Locale
- United States
Associated Language
- German
Associated Language
- English
Field of Activity
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Subject of
- Altini, Carlo Introduzione a L
- Altini, Carlo Leo Strauss
- Altini, Carlo Una filosofia in
- Altman, William H. F., 1955- T
- Bartlett, Robert C., 1964- The
- Batnitzky, Leora, 1966- Leo St
- Behnegar, Nasser, 1963- Leo St
- Bernstein, Jeffrey Alan Leo St
- Bluhm, Harald, 1957- Die Ordnu
- Brill's companion to Leo Strau
- Ciani, Claudio Leo Strauss let
- Ciccarelli, Pierpaolo, 1965- L
- Cohen, Jonathan, 1950- Philoso
- Cubeddu, Raimondo, 1951- L'omb
- Cubeddu, Raimondo, 1951- Tra l
- Drury, Shadia B., 1950- The po
- Drury, Shadia B., 1950- The po
- Farnesi Camellone, Mauro, 1976
- Fārūq, Aḥmad (Philosopher) al-
- Ghibellini, Alberto Al di là d
- Green, Kenneth Hart, 1953- Leo
- Havers, Grant N., 1965- Leo St
- Heidegger's Jewish followers
- Hilb, Claudia Abismos de la mo
- Howse, Robert, 1958- Leo Strau
- ʻImād, Ḥanīn al-Fikr al-siyāsī
- Janssens, David, 1971- Between
- Janssens, David, 1971- Tussen
- Kauffmann, Clemens Strauss und
- Keedus, Liisi The crisis of Ge
- Lampert, Laurence, 1941- The e
- Lazier, Benjamin, 1971- God in
- Leo Strauss
- Léo Strauss
- Leo Strauss and his legacy
- Leo Strauss, education, and po
- Leo Strauss, education, and po
- Leo Strauss, philosopher
- Louis, Adrien Leo Strauss, phi
- Ma, Hualing, 1982- Fan zi you
- MacDonald, Sara (Sara Jane) Re
- MacDonald, Sara (Sara Jane) Re
- Machek, Christian Die Rückkehr
- Meier, Heinrich, 1953- Leo Str
- Minkov, Svetozar, 1975- Leo St
- Minkov, Svetozar, 1975- Leo St
- Monaco, Davide, 1980- Religion
- Myers, David N. Resisting hist
- Norton, Anne Leo Strauss and t
- Pangle, Thomas L. Leo Strauss
- Parens, Joshua, 1961- Leo Stra
- Pelluchon, Corine Leo Strauss
- Philosophy, history, and tyran
- Portnoff, Sharon Reason and re
- Post, Kenneth, 1947- The love
- Proto, Mario I due imperi
- Quélennec, Bruno Retour dans l
- Ranieri, John J., 1956- Distur
- Reading between the lines
- Rechnitzer, Haim O., 1963- Nev
- Sfez, Gérald Leo Strauss et le
- Sfez, Gérald Leo Strauss et le
- Sfez, Gérald Leo Strauss, foi
- Shutorausu seiji tetsugaku ni
- Smith, Steven B., 1951- Readin
- Sorensen, Kim A., 1974- Discou
- Strauss, Leo Toward Natural ri
- Taboni, Pier Franco La città t
- Tamer, Georges Islamische Phil
- Tanguay, Daniel Leo Strauss
- Tanguay, Daniel Leo Strauss
- Tepper, Aryeh, 1970- Progressi
- Torres, Angel Jaramillo Leo St
- Torres, Angel Jaramillo Leo St
- Velkley, Richard L. Heidegger,
- Weichert, Ulrike "Von der Gesc
- Weinstein, D. (David), 1949- J
- Wussow, Philipp von The philos
- Xenos, Nicholas, 1948- Cloaked
- Zakai, Avihu Galut u-farshanut
- Zhang, Min, 1983- Xian dai xin
- Zuckert, Catherine H., 1942- T
- Contributor to
- Singh, Aakash Eros turannos
- Strauss, Leo Faith and politic
- Strauss, Leo Hobbes's Critique
- Strauss, Leo Leo Strauss
- Strauss, Leo Leo Strauss on Ma
- Strauss, Leo Leo Strauss on Mo
- Strauss, Leo Leo Strauss on Ni
- Strauss, Leo Leo Strauss on Pl
- Strauss, Leo Liberalism, ancie
- Strauss, Leo On tyranny
- Strauss, Leo On tyranny
- Strauss, Leo Persecution and t
- Strauss, Leo Studies in Platon
- Strauss, Leo The rebirth of cl
- Strauss, Leo Thoughts on Machi
- Strauss, Leo Thoughts on Machi
- Strauss, Leo Toward Natural ri
- Strauss, Leo What is political