Juergensmeyer, Mark
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1940-11-13
Has Affiliation
- Organization: University of California, Santa Barbara
Birth Place
- Carlinville (Ill.)
Associated Language
- English
Field of Activity
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Contributor to
- A Bibliographic guide to the c
- Buddhist violence and religiou
- Buddhist violence and religiou
- Buddhist warfare
- Embree, Ainslie Thomas Frontie
- Embree, Ainslie Thomas Frontie
- Embree, Ainslie Thomas Imagini
- Encyclopedia of global religio
- Encyclopedia of global studies
- Global religions
- Juergensmeyer, Mark Fighting f
- Juergensmeyer, Mark Fighting w
- Juergensmeyer, Mark Gandhi's w
- Juergensmeyer, Mark Gandhi's w
- Juergensmeyer, Mark Gandhi's w
- Juergensmeyer, Mark Global reb
- Juergensmeyer, Mark Global reb
- Juergensmeyer, Mark God at war
- Juergensmeyer, Mark God at war
- Juergensmeyer, Mark God in the
- Juergensmeyer, Mark God in the
- Juergensmeyer, Mark Radhasoami
- Juergensmeyer, Mark Religion a
- Juergensmeyer, Mark Terror in
- Juergensmeyer, Mark Terror in
- Juergensmeyer, Mark Terror in
- Juergensmeyer, Mark The new Co
- Juergensmeyer, Mark The new Co
- Juergensmeyer, Mark When God s
- Juergensmeyer, Mark When God s
- Legality and legitimacy in glo
- Princeton readings in religion
- Religion in global civil socie
- Religious othering
- Religious othering
- Rethinking secularism
- Sikh studies
- Songs of the saints of India
- The Oxford handbook of global
- The Oxford handbook of global
- The Oxford handbook of religio
- Thinking globally
- Thinking globally
- Violence and the world's relig