International Development Association
Identified By
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Subject of
- Ayres, Wendy S. Setting priori
- Bajaj, J. L. Aid in the 1990's
- Decision of the executive dire
- Gwin, Catherine IDA's partners
- IDA in action 1993-1996
- International Bank for Reconst
- International Development Asso
- International Development Asso
- International Development Asso
- International Development Asso
- National Advisory Council on I
- National Advisory Council on I
- Procurement of works
- Procurement of works
- Procurement of works
- Procurement under IBRD loans a
- Rāingān kānpramœ̄nphon Khrōngk
- Shiratori, Masaki Sekai Ginkō
- Strategic framework for assist
- The Evolving role of IDA
- U.S. policies toward the World
- United States. Congress. House
- United States. Congress. House
- United States. Congress. House
- United States. Congress. House
- United States. Congress. House
- United States. Congress. House
- United States. Congress. House
- United States. Congress. House
- United States. Congress. House
- United States. Congress. Senat
- United States. Congress. Senat
- United States. Congress. Senat
- United States. Congress. Senat
- United States. Congress. Senat
- United States. Congress. Senat
- United States. General Account
- United States. General Account
- United States. National Adviso
- Van De Laar, A. J. M. (Aart J.
- Weaver, James H. The Internati
- Contributor to
- Congo (Democratic Republic) Dé
- Congo (Democratic Republic) Dé
- Congo (Democratic Republic) Lo
- Consultancy services for basel
- Current economic position and
- Current economic position and
- Current economic position and
- Decision of the executive dire
- Economic development of Indone
- Financement à l'appui de la ré
- Guyana poverty reduction strat
- Indonesia education sector sur
- International Bank for Reconst
- International Development Asso
- International Development Asso
- International Development Asso
- International Development Asso
- International Development Asso
- International Development Asso
- International Development Asso
- International Development Asso
- International Development Asso
- International Development Asso
- International Development Asso
- International Development Asso
- International Development Asso
- International Development Asso
- International Development Asso
- International Development Asso
- International Development Asso
- Liberia economic memorandum, S
- Rāingān kānpramœ̄nphon Khrōngk
- Report and recommendation of t
- Rwanda
- State Remote Sensing Applicati
- Surveys and mathematical model
- World Bank Annual report
- World Bank Annual report
- World Bank group: research pro
- World Bank Indonesia maritime
- World Bank Loan agreements and
- World Bank Loans at work
- World Bank Memorandum of the P
- World Bank Monthly operational
- World Bank Monthly operational
- World Bank Multilateral region
- World Bank National developmen
- World Bank Nian du bao gao
- World Bank Policies and operat
- World Bank Relatório anual do
- World Bank Sekai Ginkō nenji h
- World Bank The foreign exchang
- World Bank The problem of fore
- World Bank The World Bank grou
- World Bank The World Bank grou
- World Bank The World Bank grou
- World Bank The World Bank grou
- World Bank World Bank annual r
- World Bank. Inspection Panel.