Strickland, Rennard
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1940-09-26
Death Date
- 2021-01-05
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Contributor to
- Archuleta, Margaret, 1950- Sha
- Arizona memories
- Baker, Jack D. Cherokee cookbo
- Cohen, Felix S., 1907-1953 Fel
- Elizabeth Cole Butler Collecti
- Gregory, Jack (Jack Dwain) Sam
- Gregory, Jack Sam Houston with
- Oklahoma memories
- Pierce, Earl Boyd The Cherokee
- Screening justice--the cinema
- Shared visions
- Strickland, Rennard Avoiding t
- Strickland, Rennard Fire and t
- Strickland, Rennard How to get
- Strickland, Rennard How to get
- Strickland, Rennard Spirit red
- Strickland, Rennard The Indian
- Strickland, Rennard The lawyer
- Strickland, Rennard Tonto's re
- The Right law school for you
- Wade, Edwin L. Magic images
- Weaver, Richard M., 1910-1963